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Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Sigh... The special day is over and I'm now 15 yrs and 1 day OLD... So, why am I sighing away? Because it's been quite a bad day for me, THAT'S why. First period, E-Maths, got back test paper, I could have broke down (if that's what you call cry, sry I'm not in the mood for phrases) from all the bad results I've been receiving but I 'barely' get to control it but no one noticed, which was lucky. But really, Anthony, Andrea, Siti and even Kenneth got the range of 15 and above (I won't tell each got what in case they don't want others to know eventhough to me it's like good already!). I got so low!

Then Bio, ok, Bio's my favourite and another teacher will be taking over! Urgh! Then had English, ok not so bad but my group used my paper and so... I had quite a number of, can say, stupid mistakes... and like quite embarrassing lor... Then recess, I only did 700 skipping, then A-Maths, haiz... so difficult... I dunno how to do and we're not even in logarithms! Then Chem, ok I guess... I'm starting to like Chem and Mrs Tay. Then HML, letter-writting, sigh... After that lunch, ate quite a lot (feels guilty) and then Physics, pendulum... ok I guess but Siti like not serious during the practical like that... Haiz... the best thing that happened is probably Alia's gift which is very nice and sweet (no it's not food, and I didn't lick it, ok), it's a mug and a pencil case. The mug is filled with hearts all over but since it's made of... err... ceramic is it?, I'll keep it as a display thingy (can't remember what's it called).

Now, I'm kinda frowning and I feel kinda hungry for the soup my mum is 'cooking' now, haiz... I think I'd better go now, cyaz!


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