So stressed! So stressed! School's driving me nuts! Teachers're making me crazy! Homework's making me lose my head! And tests're digging my brain out of its hemisphere! Help!!!!!
My fault actually lar... Dilly dally then do last minute but pity me lar teachers! I'm always so slow at Maths it takes me forever to solve 1 prob and I hate newspaper articles so much I juz wanna puke when I c it! Gee... Then test test what sia! They think we all robots 24/7 operation or what? Grr...
Anyway, I have a bright idea to add to my HZGG fanfic by inserting Mianyi into the picture. I juz need some time to rewrite the 1st chap...
Okla I gtg bathe now. Probably won't be coming online for some time, so... to all Chinese, Happy Chinese New Year!!!!